Category Archives: real stuff

baby / real stuff

My Birth Story

13th May 2018

Gia With Relish3

Happy Mother’s Day beautiful mama’s! Well hasn’t it just been an age since I last wrote a blog post?! SO much has been going on in my life since giving birth, which I will go into here, that I needed a lot of much-needed me-time to heal and get through it. The beginning of motherhood is no cake walk for anyone, but I dare to say mine has been a tad more difficult than most, so hopefully you’ll forgive me my long sabbatical… Basically everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. Here, at long last and befitting on my first ever Mother’s Day, is my beautiful, harrowing, life-changing (and very long) birth story:

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baby / real stuff

Living with Hyperemesis Gravidarum

30th August 2017

hyperemesis gravidarum

Some of you may know by now that for the past 6 months I’ve been battling with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or HG. It’s a very uncommon pregnancy-related disease and I’ve since become very passionate about spreading awareness for it. It’s one of the most under-reported and misunderstood diseases around, and since it is incredibly debilitating and life threatening, it’s really important to me that I do what I can to get the message out there. Underneath the surface of all of out joy for this most wanted pregnancy, lurks this horrible condition. Here is the story I share with many women who have HG and are silenced by lack of understanding – thank you for taking the time to read this rather long post:

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baby / real stuff

Some Exciting News!

12th July 2017

with relish exciting newsSo I know it’s been a long, looong, LONG time since I last posted, and I promise I have a valid excuse reason. We have some exciting news to share! I’m pregnant! I’m having a little baby girl :) I know that doesn’t sound like a valid reason for being absent for a hundred years, and pregnant women are still able to do things like be a normal human, but hear me out…

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real stuff

Our Wedding Story

28th November 2016


Today is our first wedding anniversary. I suppose it’s time I told this happy/sad story here, despite the fact that I’ve tried exclusively to keep this blog my ‘happy place’. In doing so though, I’ve found much of what I say can be aseptic and without the backbone of truth that goes behind every word. So forgive the heavy topic today, but I’d rather you knew me as I really am.

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