Category Archives: DIY


Ceramic Salt & Pepper Pots

19th February 2016


I don’t know about you but I’ve been coveting one of those gorgeous marble salt and pepper pots for an age, but they’re a little out of my budget so they’ve remained on my list of ‘things I want to buy for myself but never really will’.

It was with this despairing realisation that I decided to whip up my own, and am I ever glad I did! Air dry clay is growing in popularity and it’s easy to see why: it’s affordable, stupidly easy to use and there’s no firing required for the limitless creations you can make with this genius stuff. See me wax lyrical about this genius material here.

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Wax Paper Backdrop

4th November 2015

With Relish Wax Cover

So, like the rest of the Internet universe, the instant I saw this wax paper backdrop, I went positively nuts for it. I came upon it on via Style Me Pretty and it was around the time that I got engaged, so I just knew I had to have it at my own wedding!

And, lo and behold, I’ve made it simpler and waaaaay quicker to do! No sewing or stitching like in the original DIY, though all credit goes to them for this genius and cheap-as-chips idea – not to mention the patience to thread hundreds of cones…!

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Gold Foil Ceramic Candle Holders

7th August 2015


With the wedding around the corner (4 months to go! Eek!) I’ve been planning and hoarding like a madwoman. I have so many bottles (SO MANY) taking up all the cupboard space in our loft that Tim said the other day if someone walked in here and didn’t know what I was up to, it’d look like we’re building a meth lab! Walter White, you were a bad influence, but I still love you.

So in the spirit of attempting to DIY my entire wedding pretty much, I wanted some candle holders that were cheap and easy to make. I spotted these cute ones shaped like little proteas at my mother-in-law-to-be’s house and I decided I could totally make them myself, and add in some sparkly speckles, of course! So Claire and I spent the morning getting our hands dirty while our other halves got their hands dirty on the golf course.

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Hand-Cut Shadow Box Display

6th February 2015


Hey guys! Just popping in to share a quick DIY with you. I was pretty bored over the holidays so I decided to make one of these cute little shadow box displays as a gift.

It’s super easy. I didn’t even take any process pics (woops!), and you’ll still be able to figure it out.

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